Saturday, January 1

Disclaimer Explanation

Current Employment is a labor and employment blog founded by a few guys when they were students at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. It was originally conceived as an official publication of the School, via its Labor and Employment Law Society, and its "staff" consists mainly of very hard-working JMLS students.

We love John Marshall. We love its old building that used to be a department store or a men's club, depending on who you talk to. We love the school's commitment to night classes and part-time students, and its founding principle of giving every hard-luck dope who's willing to bust their ass a chance to prove they're worthy of the Bar. We love the professors. Mostly. Point is, we think our JMLS education puts us (at least) on a level playing field with any kid throwing his tassles at Columbia or Yale or Michigan. But law schools are cautious institutions, especially those with an unfortunate ladder to climb.

We think a good publication can be both smarmy and smart, and we see a great distinction between irreverence and irrelevance. But we know that schools can't always afford the luxury of risk, and it was important to us for posts and comments to be disseminated quickly and with the least amount of editing or censorship possible. More importantly, as was pointed out by a Dean that we greatly respect, student organizations have profound institutional amnesia, and we couldn't bear to leave our baby in the hands of an undeserving second generation that would run it into the ground. For these reasons, the editors and contributors, who happen to be John Marshall students and alumni, decided that it would be in their best interests to run the blog outside the academic context.

So we are on our own, adrift in the legal community for the first time, really. Go easy on us, huh? It's not like we went to Harvard.


The CE Staff